INW Dyslexia Alliance

Our mission is to support, empower, and advocate for individuals with dyslexia, their families, and professionals in the Inland Northwest.


Here, individuals with dyslexia discover encouragement, families gain additional knowledge and understanding, and professionals find opportunities to expand their expertise in the field.

We're glad you’re here!

When it comes to literacy, we believe:

  • The process may look different and take a varied amount of time but everyone has the ability to grow to their potential.

  • Teamwork among caregivers, administration, classroom teachers, and outside resources when necessary is crucial.

  • Every person, regardless of learning style, should be given the opportunity to learn how to read.

  • Dyslexia is a unique condition that needs to be addressed with specific evidence-based interventions.





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Past Issues:
2024 -
April | March | February | January